IRDAI License Number: IRDAI/INT/ISNP/2022/250

Advantages of STOP Policy

Sales Turnover Policy has many usefulness and advantages for manufacturers and sellers of goods and tangible products.

These advantages are as follows:
  • This policy offers coverage for purchases, sales and also returns of goods/ products in a single policy.
  • The premium charged in Sales Turnover Policy (STOP) is affordable and competitive.
  • The STOP policy offers flexibility in payment of premium on quarterly, half yearly or yearly basis.
  • The policy does not require you to declare each and every shipment. The insured can do a monthly or quarterly declaration of shipments to the insurance company.
  • The policy covers unloading, loading and intermittent storage of good and products under the coverage of the policy.
  • Export and import of goods are also covered under this policy.
  • Value of goods, shipment cost etc. are covered in the policy.
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