IRDAI License Number: IRDAI/INT/ISNP/2022/250

Why to buy Health Insurance Policy?

Our generation is witnessing the biggest pandemic of modern times. Never before the need to buy health insurance has been greater. Nobody knows when and to what extent we are susceptible to diseases. It is all the more alarming when the preventive measures that can be taken are next to impossible, since diseases like corona virus do not have any medication.

We need to start looking at health insurance policies in an altogether new light. Earlier health insurance could have been an option but now with changing times health insurance should be a mandatory requirement. Also, with time, as population increases and medical treatments will get advanced, medical costs are only going to increase.

There are many benefits of buying a health insurance policy early:
  1. Health premiums increases with age. Moreover, health conditions like hypertension and thyroid etc. in later stage in life can lead to more difficulty in obtaining policy, when insurers insist on medical check as a pre-requisite for providing cover.
  2. Annual health check-ups provided in health insurance policies can encourage you to take better care of your health early on. Many insurers provide premium discounts on maintaining health lifestyle habits. It is added dose of encouragement for those reluctant to kick bad lifestyle habits.
  3. With a health insurance in place, you don’t have to pay for doctor’s bills, medicines, check-up costs from your own pocket, which can burn a hole in your savings or retirement fund. Buying a general health insurance policy save money and the right time to buy a general health insurance is now!
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